Monday, March 10, 2008

The Time Change and the Purple Shirt

My wife is out of town with work for a few days. Before she left, she set out my work clothes because she doesn't like me to be embarrassed for my lack of knowledge of what colors go together.
I tried and tried to fall asleep last night, but due to the time change, my wife being out of town, and trying to listen for my mom's alarm to go off, I didn't get much sleep.
So when I woke up this morning, I was running a little late. This is rare for me, because I am usually very early. I checked on my mom, let the dogs out, and put on my brand new purple shirt. (Purple is my favorite color). I figured that I would put my tie on during the drive, when the traffic would make my car sit still on the freeway. That I did, and was pretty proud of the fact.
It is now lunch time, and I went to the restroom just now. My new shirt looked really weird. It looked like the left half of the shirt was about two inches lower than the right side. I sat there and moved it back and forth wondering how someone could have made it like that. I also wondered why the 20 or so people I had talked with hadn't noticed.
I returned to the restroom, and took a second look, seeing if I took off my tie, if it wouldn't be as noticeable. I figured out that that was the only solution, so I started to take it off, when I noticed that while driving and putting on my tie, I didn't button my tie to the collar buttons, but to my regular shirt button.
I know, it was dumb. It was dumber not to notice it when I went to the restroom the first time. I fixed it, and as I walked out of the bathroom, I noticed that I forgot my belt today also.
Honey, hurry home, I need you!


Tamster said...

That is classic! For your sake, I hope your wife hurries home, too!
That just reminded me of an incident my freshman year in high school. I realized when I reached behind me to scratch my back during early morning seminary (I must have been half asleep when I got dressed) that I forgot something important that morning. I was pretty embarrassed when the other girls figured it out when I called my mom and she brought it to me. (I'm glad I'm not in high school anymore!) 'Nuff said! :-)

Tamra Norton said...

#1 reason not to wear an elastic waistband--ever!

Many years back, I was about to teach a RS lesson, but had to use "the facilities" right before--you know, nerves and all... Anyhoo, I was wearing a skirt with an elastic waistband, and when I walked back into the room to teach, aparently I had a long strand of TP trailing behind me, secured by the elastic waistband. One of my good friends rushed up to me, nearly tackling me as she pulled the TP from my skirt. Talk about true friendship!

Tracy said...

Love the picture, it adds a lot to the effect to the story.

Doug Johnston said...

Thanks, my wife knows how to dress me.

Janet Kay Jensen said...

Doug - how come you are so competent and detail oriented at work? :)

Great picture.

Doug Johnston said...

Janet, thanks for the complement. It was a complement, wasn't it. I super consentrate on things I like to do, like my job. I don't consentrate on the small things, like my tie, or which glasses I have on. I have three pair, and I usually can't find them when they are on the top of my head. The reason I wear a tie at work is because I want to look nice when famous authors like you meet me. Make sure to give me a few hours notice so I can clean off my desk and fix my tie. P.S. Janet is one of the hardest working authors out there. and Tamra, and Marcia and Tracy etc...

Carlene Duda said...

You might try the system I tried to use with my husband who travels alot for Boeing. I remembered a line of childrens clothing called Ger Animals (spelling ?) any way the concept is that the clothing comes with amimal tags and you match the clothing by the animals on the tag. Well as you can probably quess, if my husband couldn't figure out the system, I don't know how any child could. Oh, and I have tried to explain to him that you can not count the little hotel shampoos and soaps as a "honey I missed you gift" the little bottles are cute, but not exactly something I wanted to start to collect. Doug, maybe you will get some shampoo when your wife gets home.