Saturday, April 26, 2008

Tall is Beautiful

joAnn Arnold

For Shannon and all you beautiful tall people who I continually look up to, you might want to know that there has never been a Miss America or Miss Universe, under 5'6" tall, (to my knowledge). Petite women are "Cute" while tall women are "Beautiful". I'm working on a poem for you.

I'm just glad it doesn't matter how tall you are to be a author. I'm happy to tell you that my newest manuscript, "A Step Beyond the Tree" has been accepted for publication by Cedar Fort.


Janet Kay Jensen said...

JoAnn, great news! Congratulations on your ms being accepted for publication!


Stephanie Black said...

Congratulations, JoAnn! That's fantastic!

Marcia Mickelson said...

That's exciting news. Congrats.

Rebecca Talley said...

Woo hoo for you! Fantastic news!

And, I'm very tall. I didn't enjoy looking over the heads of all the boys in jr. high and was relieved when they finally started to grow taller. While growing up, being tall seemed to be a curse, but I love it now.

Marsha Ward said...

Congratulations, JoAnn. I'm sure you'll let us know when it's going to be released--when you know, of course.