Tuesday, August 26, 2008

C. S. Lewis Needs Your HELP!

By Christine Thackeray

C. S. Lewis: Latter Day Truths in Narnia is a great book. It is an overview of his life and works and ends with a section on his use in the LDS forum, especially by church leaders. There is an index in the back that is one of the most complete you will find which includes the quotes used in general conference and their references both in LDS writings and in C. S. Lewis's.

Seagull book and the independent LDS bookstores are currently carrying it but for some reason Deseret Book is not. It went through all the necessary copyrights and was approved by church headquarters. My only guess why-- and it is just a guess- is that since we missed the Narnia movies and they recently had a CD on Lewis released, they don't feel it would be a big seller.

It was suggested to me that if a number of people would be willing to go and order the book from Deseret Book, that maybe they would start carrying it to fill those orders. If you feel you can do this, I'd be grateful.


Janet said...

Christine, that is very surprising to me that they won't carry your book since it looks like a wonderful resource to have. I love C.S. Lewis and his writings! I will definitely do my part and hope that Deseret Book changes their mind!

Shirley Bahlmann said...

So, if something sells well, wouldn't a similar book also help follow on success? I don't get it. It looks like a great book, even with his smiling face on the cover! I'll see who's on my Christmas list for a C.S. Lewis book!

Janet said...

Just thought I'd let you know I was in the American Fork Deseret Book today and they had several copies of your book on the shelf. It looks like they are carrying it. Hope it sells well!